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Posted by on 2015/01/14 under Uncategorized

I’ve been thinking alot about things. When my best friend ended our friendship and basically kicked me out of my group, I thought all was lost. I thought this second semester wouldn’t go by fast enough, but ever since she kicked me out of our locker too, I had some deep thinking. I realized that I cannot let her get to me, I cannot let her win. I don’t need her in my life, or the rest of them. If they decide to go on her ‘side’, then screw them. They don’t deserve my friendship. I am better off without them. I thought I lost all my friends, but they were just my main group. I have so many other friends that I get the chance to get close to, but I was never interested in taking that chance, because I was content on where I was. Losing my group made me realize I need to be more independent, and I can’t rely on them to fix my problems. I’m the only one able to fix them. Yeah it sucks standing alone in the mornings before school and having to find someone to hangout with during snack and lunch, but I’ll survive. They clearly weren’t my friends to begin with if they will just blow me off like it’s nothing. They don’t deserve my friendship, my trust, my loyalty, anything. I don’t need to prove anything to them, I just need to prove to myself that I will fix all that is wrong in my life, and I will be happy. I’ve been trying to keep my head up more and fix my posture. I need to stand tall and proud and not let anyone get the best of me. I just need to do me right now, meaning only think positive things, put myself out there more, not put all my trust into everyone, and not give a flying f*** what others think of me. I am the perfect me and if they were too blind to see that, then that’s their problem. I’m going to transform from an insecure, troubled girl into a confident, independent lady and noone will get in my way.

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